20 this or that questions for friends

Looking for a fun and engaging way to deepen your friendships? Try playing “this or that” questions with your friends! These questions prompt participants to choose between two options, sparking interesting conversations and creating unforgettable moments.

Whether you’re looking for icebreakers, party games, or casual discussions, we’ve got you covered with the best this or that questions for friends. From popular choices to funny dilemmas, these questions are sure to bring laughter and excitement to your gatherings.

So, gather your friends and get ready for some friendly debates! Let’s dive into our collection of 20 this or that questions for friends that are guaranteed to keep the conversation flowing and the fun never-ending.

The Purpose of This or That Questions

This section explores the purpose of “this or that” questions and how they can be used as a fun and engaging game. These questions are designed to prompt participants to choose between two options, creating a playful and interactive experience. Whether you call it either-or questions, A or B questions, or make me choose between two things, this game is all about picking one of two choices.

“This or that” questions serve various purposes, from icebreakers to sparking conversations and stimulating the imagination. Similar to other question games like would you rather questions or yes or no questions, this game can lead to interesting debates and reveal unexpected preferences. It’s a great way to get to know your friends better and discover shared interests or intriguing differences.

With a wide range of topics and scenarios, this game is suitable for all ages and occasions. Whether you’re looking for a quick game to play with friends or want to liven up a party, “this or that” questions provide a simple yet entertaining activity that can bring people together and create lasting memories.

20 Best This or That Questions for friends

Looking for some lighthearted and amusing questions to entertain your friends? We’ve got you covered! Here are some funny “this or that” questions that will surely spark laughter and great conversations. Get ready to make some tough choices and enjoy a fun-filled time with your pals.

1. What’s your favorite kind of food? sweet or savory?

2. Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather?

3. Are you more of a night person or a day person?

4.Would you rather go on a beach vacation or a mountains vacation?

5. What’s your favorite kind of movie? action or drama?

6. What’s your favorite TV show? comedy or reality?

7. What’s your favorite type of music? pop or rock?

8. Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?

9. Would you rather travel by plane or train?

10. What’s your favorite color? black or white?

11. What’s your favorite season? spring or fall?

12. What’s your favorite sport? basketball or football?

13. What’s your favorite animal? lion or tiger?

14. Would you rather live in the city or the country?

15. What’s your favorite type of food? Chinese or Italian?

16. What’s your favorite kind of ice cream? chocolate or vanilla?

17. What’s your favorite kind of cake? chocolate or vanilla?

18. What’s your favorite fruit? apple or banana?

19. What’s your favorite vegetable? carrot or celery?

20. What’s your favorite number? 1 or 2?

Bonus: 15 This or That Questions for Adults

If you’re looking for some engaging this or that questions to ask adults, look no further! Here are 15 this or that questions that are perfect for adults:

1. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

2. Are you more of a morning person or a night person?

3. Are you a homebody or do you love to travel?

4. Are you a neat freak or do you live in chaos?

5. Are you more spontaneous or do you like to plan everything out?

6. Are you a picky eater or will you try anything once?

7. Are you a people person or a lone wolf?

8. Are you competitive or cooperative?

9. Are you analytical or creative?

10. Do you like to stick to conventional ideas or do you like to think outside the box?

11. Do you prefer to stick to tried and true methods or do you like to experiment?

12. Do you like to stick to familiar things or do you like to venture into the unknown?

13. Do you like to work alone or with a team?

14. Do you prefer simple things or complex things?

15. Do you like to take risks or play it safe?

These this or that questions are sure to get you thinking, and they’re also a great way to get to know someone on a deeper level. So next time you’re looking for a way to break the ice or get to know someone better, give some of these this or that questions a try!


In conclusion, “this or that” questions for friends offer a fun and engaging way to spark conversations and create memorable moments. With a wide range of choices, these questions can be tailored to various age groups and interests, making them perfect for any gathering. Whether used as icebreakers, party games, or casual discussions, these questions are sure to generate laughter and deepen friendships.

Featuring the best and most popular this or that questions, this list of 20 fun questions for friends is a valuable resource to keep on hand. From thought-provoking dilemmas to hilarious scenarios, these questions will keep everyone entertained and create a lively atmosphere.

So, next time you’re looking for a way to spice up your get-togethers, try incorporating some of these interesting and funny this or that questions. They are guaranteed to stimulate discussions, get people laughing, and strengthen the bonds between friends. Give them a try and see how they can transform any gathering into an unforgettable experience!

By Andre

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