20 would you rather questions for couples

Welcome to our exciting journey of fun exploration with 20 would you rather questions for couples! If you’re looking for a unique and enjoyable way to strengthen your relationship, look no further. These thought-provoking questions are designed to spark engaging conversations and foster a deeper bond between partners. Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been together for years, these questions will provide endless fun and insight into each other’s preferences and values.

Ready to have some laughs, share your deepest desires, and discover new things about your partner? Let’s dive in and explore these fun would you rather questions that will surely bring you closer together. Get ready for a delightful experience that combines entertainment and relationship building!

The 20 Best Would You Rather Questions For Couples

When it comes to entertaining would you rather questions, there are few things more fun than playing “Would You Rather” with your significant other. Not only is it a great way to get to know each other better, but it’s also a fun way to pass the time.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to Would You Rather questions, but we’ve compiled a list of the 20 best questions for couples. Whether you’re looking for funny, thought-provoking, or simply romantic questions, we’ve got you covered.

1. Would you rather always have to say everything that’s on your mind or never be able to speak again?

2. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?

3. Would you rather go without your phone for a week or go without access to the internet for a week?

4. Would you rather be able to read other people’s mind or be able to project your thoughts into other people’s minds?

5. Would you rather have a healing superpower or an invisibility superpower?

6. Would you rather have a preventative superpower or a time travel superpower?

7. Would you rather take a trip to the moon or take a trip to Mars?

8. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to fly?

9. Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?

10. Would you rather be able to control fire or control water?

11. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of your favorite food or a never-ending supply of your favorite drink?

12. Would you rather be able to speak all languages fluently or be able to play all musical instruments fluently?

13. Would you rather win the lottery or find your true soulmate?

14. Would you rather be able to relive any moment from your past or be able to fast forward to any moment in your future?

15. Would you rather have a shooting star land in your backyard or find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

16. Would you rather have superhuman strength or superhuman intelligence?

17. Would you rather be able to travel through time or travel through space?

18. Would you rather be able to stop time or be able to control time?

19. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleport machine?

20. Would you rather be able to choose when you die or how you die?

These are just a few of the many possibilities when it comes to entertaining would you rather questions for couples. Whether you’re looking for serious questions or simply want to have some fun, “Would You Rather” is the perfect game for you. So, next time you’re looking for something to do, grab your significant other and give it a try!

Bonus: 15 Deep Would You Rather Questions For Couples

1) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
2) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
3) What’s your favorite memory of us together?
4) What’s something you’ve always wanted to try?
5) What’s your favorite thing about me?
6) What’s one thing you’re really proud of?
7) What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to tell me?
8) If you could describe me in one word, what would it be?
9) What am I your favorite thing to do with me?
10) What’s your favorite thing about our relationship?
11) What’s one thing you want to change about our relationship?
12) What are you most afraid of?
13) What do you think is our biggest strength as a couple?
14) What do you think is our biggest weakness as a couple?
15) What’s the one thing you want to work on together?

Delve into the depths of your relationship with these deep would you rather questions. These thought-provoking questions can spark meaningful conversations and help you explore your values, desires, and dreams as a couple. Here are some more ideas:

1. Exploring the Past:

  • Would you rather know all the secrets of your partner’s past or keep your past a secret from your partner?
  • Would you rather forget all the good memories you’ve had together or remember only the bad ones?

2. Visioning the Future:

  • Would you rather have a life full of adventures with your partner or a stable and predictable life?
  • Would you rather know when and how you’ll die or be unaware of it?

3. Exploring Values:

  • Would you rather have a partner who shares all your interests and passions or a partner who challenges you to try new things?
  • Would you rather prioritize your career over your relationship or prioritize your relationship over your career?

From exploring the past to envisioning the future, these deep would you rather questions can lead to deep discussions and a greater understanding of each other. They provide a platform to share your hopes, fears, and aspirations as a couple. Take the time to explore these questions and discover new layers of your relationship.

Flirty Would You Rather Questions For Couples

Add a touch of romance and playfulness to your conversations with these flirty would you rather questions. These questions are designed to create a flirty and intimate atmosphere between you and your partner.

1. Would you rather…

  • Receive a passionate kiss in the rain or a sweet surprise love note?
  • Go on a romantic candlelit dinner or have a playful food fight?
  • Receive a sensual massage or have a steamy make-out session?

2. Would you rather…

  • Whisper sweet nothings in your partner’s ear or leave them a seductive voicemail?
  • Have a slow dance under the stars or go skinny-dipping in a secluded lake?
  • Wear silk pajamas to bed or lingerie for a special occasion?

By exploring these flirty would you rather questions, you can create a sense of connection and excitement in your relationship. These questions can pave the way for flirty conversations and intimate moments with your partner.

Funny Would You Rather Questions For Couples

Add a touch of laughter to your relationship with these funny would you rather questions. These lighthearted and entertaining questions are designed to bring joy and create a fun atmosphere between you and your partner.

Here are some funny would you rather questions for couples:

  • Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet unicorn?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
  • Would you rather have a never-ending supply of chocolate or pizza?
  • Would you rather always have to speak in rhyme or sing instead of speaking?
  • Would you rather have the ability to speak to animals or be able to speak every language fluently?

These questions are perfect for lightening the mood and creating joyful moments together. They can also reveal playful and humorous aspects of your partner’s personality, allowing you to discover new things about each other.

So, the next time you’re looking to inject some fun into your relationship, try asking these funny would you rather questions. You’re guaranteed to share a laugh and create lasting memories together.

Romantic Would You Rather Questions For Couples

Ignite the flame of romance with these romantic would you rather questions. These questions are designed to evoke passion, desire, and love in your relationship. From exploring romantic gestures to envisioning perfect getaway scenarios, these questions can create intimate and affectionate moments between you and your partner.

1. Candlelit Dinner or Picnic Under the Stars?

Would you rather enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant or have a cozy picnic under the stars with your partner? Both options offer a romantic setting, but they provide different atmospheres. A candlelit dinner allows for an elegant and intimate experience, while a picnic under the stars brings a sense of adventure and closeness to nature.

2. Love Letters or Surprise Gifts?

Would you rather receive heartfelt love letters from your partner or be surprised with thoughtful gifts? Love letters are a timeless expression of love and can be cherished for years to come. On the other hand, surprise gifts show your partner’s attention to detail and their effort to make you feel special. Choose the gesture that resonates with you and your partner’s love language.

3. Romantic Walk on the Beach or Hike in the Mountains?

Would you rather take a romantic stroll along a picturesque beach or embark on a scenic hike in the mountains with your partner? A walk on the beach offers the tranquility of the ocean and the opportunity to connect while feeling the sand between your toes. A hike in the mountains provides breathtaking views and a sense of adventure. Decide which setting appeals to your romantic side.

These romantic would you rather questions can create memorable moments and enhance the romance in your relationship. Whether you choose candlelit dinners or picnics under the stars, love letters or surprise gifts, or walks on the beach or hikes in the mountains, these questions allow you to explore your romantic preferences and deepen your connection with your partner.


In conclusion, the use of would you rather questions for couples provides a delightful and interactive way to strengthen the bond between partners. By exploring a range of deep, flirty, funny, or spicy questions, couples can engage in meaningful conversations and create unforgettable moments together.

These thought-provoking prompts encourage couples to delve into their values, desires, and dreams, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of each other. From romantic and intimate scenarios to lighthearted and humorous dilemmas, the questions spark a sense of connection and excitement within the relationship.

So, take the time to play this game with your partner and enjoy the journey of exploration and connection. Through the use of would you rather questions, couples can create lasting memories and further enhance their connection with one another.

By Andre

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